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Adoption Lawyer in Texas

Adoption of a child can bring so much joy to all parties involved. The process of adoption, however, can be a long, tedious one. With the help of an adoption attorney in Texas, you may be able to bypass many issues that other hopeful parents encounter.

Victor Esh will provide thorough support and careful planning and communicate with you throughout the process. We want our clients to be informed because we know you make better decisions that way. Contact us today online or call us directly at 361-360-4014 to schedule a Free 30 minutes consultation. 

What Does an Adoption Lawyer in Corpus Christi Do?

An adoption lawyer is an essential part of any adoption process. They can provide assistance to those looking to adopt as well as those placing their child up for adoption. They provide many services, including:

  • Preparing and filing of all legal paperwork
  • Continuous up-to-date legal counsel
  • Locating and communicating with those involved in a private adoption or an appropriate adoption agency
  • Negotiating conditions and terms of the adoption
  • Representing client at all court appearances

An adoption lawyer ensures all aspects of the adoption are legally compliant with local, state, and federal law. 

Why Should I Hire an Adoption Attorney in Corpus Christi?

Adoption is a delicate matter that involves the lives and well-being of numerous people, not the least of which is a minor child (or children).  It is imperative for a birth mother and adoptive parents to go into the situation with open eyes and a realistic expectation of what might happen. Hiring an adoption attorney means you have someone that knows how to check all the boxes to ensure the entire process is compliant with all governing laws.

Contact an Adoption Lawyer in Texas Today

We navigate the adoption system with ease and use our resources to make the experience as smooth as possible. Contact Victor Esh using our online form or by calling us directly at 361-360-4014 to get started today.

Victor Esh Is Here for You

Victor Esh focuses on Divorce, Custody, Grandparent Rights, Adoption, Family Law Mediation, Collaborative Divorce, and Parenting Facilitation and I am here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.

Contact Us Today

Victor Esh is committed to answering your questions about Divorce, Custody, Grandparent Rights, Adoption, Family Law Mediation, Collaborative Divorce, and Parenting Facilitation law issues in Corpus Christi, TX.

I'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.