I figured I'd share just a little about me personally. To be honest, I would never have thought I would have been practicing family law. I avoided domestic relations classes in law school. I experienced family law personally as a child with my family and just felt it was perhaps a little too close to me personally. My mom raised myself and my brother as a single mom. My dad was not in the picture. I'm sure my dad would debate on who was at fault and I am also certain my mom would have a different story to the same. I'm not suggesting equivocation or "it happens on both sides" just a reality of two different parents perspectives. As a child/young adult, I'm not sure all that matters.
I started out practicing law as a title attorney. At the time, I had no idea how impactful that work would prepare me for the practice. It was mind numbing work but good work and I learned a lot. Shortly after I started that position, the real estate bubble happened and crashed and it took me with it. A good friend of mine talked with me and we joined forces. Family Law was his focus. For the first two years, I struggled with it. I felt I did a lot of good but honestly I got too close to my cases and lost objectivity at times. I recall countless nights of going over cases and losing sleep etc. I wasn't being my best for my clients. As cliché as it sounds, I literally woke up one morning and realized I had to do better for my clients. If I am mentally in the trenches with them, I am not able to really advise them on what is best.
At around the same time, I was personally going through a separation as well. I couldn't express that to client's because it would be unprofessional and was irrelevant but of course was a struggle. That said, it allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. I do believe that in the book of "life" we have chapters we write and sometimes there is a need to end the chapter and begin a new one. That could not be truer in my own life and the hundreds of families I have worked with over 15 years.
I decided to be the best at family law. I pursued advancing my own development to help my clients. I worked hard at getting not only my legal training but realizing that mental health is an essential component of family law. No need to recount my certifications here. Certifications are nice on the wall but don't reflect the actual work. However, I took from those courses and other mentors a wealth of knowledge and guidance. I'm grateful for them all. I took and to this day still take mental health classes to help on my cases.
During the COVID pandemic, my spouse got a job in a small town in the Corpus Christi area and we moved down here. It was a difficult decision. It is hard to move a law practice but it was the right decision for us. I joined the amazing firm I am at today here in the Coastal Bend area. The colleagues I am able to work with are amazing.
I am humbled to work with families and get them to a resolution. Frankly, I like working with families and I feel my clients go into their case with a understanding of the options. It can be hard and challenging but when I am able to help a family get to a final resolution.
I'm sure I will share more in the future but grateful for the opportunity to work with families here in the Corpus Christi and the coastal bend area.
With humble admiration and a more personal picture. ~Victor